I have to go practice today.
But before that, I have to have an interview for a part-time job.
However, I don't have a means to go there.
So, what should I do?
I'm busy today.
Today, I have much to tell you!!
I went to Tawara-yama and Takamori-Yusui Tunnel.
Luckly, I could take some good picture.
Here they are. (please click on them and see larger one)
This is Tawara-Yama.
It was very fine :D
So it was a little too hot.
Many familys and couples enjoyed their holiday there.
You can see a structure on left side.
It is Moenosato; exchange pavilion.
I found many interesting thing in there.
This is one of them.They all are pumpkin!
And all of them had respectively different shape.
Some of them are like hechima(loofah).
I found one more interesting thing.
They have a name.
I really like it!
But I didn't think I bought it.
In there, we can get many good vegetables and other foods.
I bought stick potato.
It was very NICE!
You should go there at least once.
But the season is important.
Flower season is much best. (I coudn't see the cosmos)
continue to next..."Jewel of Nature"
Yesterday I went shopping to buy costume for HAKUA.
But the costume do not meet me.
I don't wear such clothes.
And to wear it I must go on a diet;;
So I 'm doing now.
But no effect I got...
Last Saturday, I went to Saga to learn about environment.
Kyushu-Denryoku do different things.
For example, they do many experiments about farm products.
And they suport agricultuer.
The main thing they do is of course making erectricity.
They use Uranium. It is said to be danger element.
But when we use it safely, it is earth friendry system.
The most important thing is how we use it safely without one accident.
Eco-Energy is also important.
But we must depend on Nuclear power generation.
We should think resources more important.
I've been customizing this page these days.
I was absorbed into it.
Designing a page is very very fun for me.
But it's also not good for me.
Because I was too crazy in it, my sleeping time became short and short.
It is bad for my eyes, too.
For such reasons, I stoped my web site few years ago.
But now I must continue this blog, and I want to do.
So I decided not to change this style until November (Because now the style is of Halloween ).
Yesterday,we had a cooking class.
The menu was rice, miso-soup and goma-ae.
It was the first class and we were a little worried.
Miso-soup and goma-ae were successful!
But our rice was...
our rice was coated black. Aww ...too bad.
Then we dicided to eat deliciously (so that other people wouldn't lough at us).
But the rice was so hard than I'd expected.
However we ate it.
Anyway, this class was very interesting.
I'm expecting the next class will be fine.
This is bears in Cuddly Dominion.
I stayed up until midnight day before yesterday,
and I was so tired.
So, I slept early last night.
But now still my eyes are so tired.
This time the trouble coused by too much sleeping.
Too little sleepng is bad , and too much sleeping is also bad.
Taking good sleepng is better for our health.
It's not a song title.
Of course I know the hit song. I like it.
But it's about me.
Today I had a dance class, so I was hurry.
When I got to the station, I thought I was safe.
Because the clock showed just time that my train would come.
And there wasn't a train.
But I was not safe, because the clock was out of order.
My ticket realized me. Oh no...
Bad things happend even more!
I saw shiden as soon as I got off the train, and I ran.
But it didn't wait for me.
In addition I forgot my shoes in my house.
The worst thing is that I couldn't join today's first lesson.
Now I know, it's all my fault.
But I was annoyed about it.
When I was in jonior high school, I started listening to English songs.
And the first song I listened to is Beatles "Hey Jude".
Then I became listening to more English songs.
I listened all Beatles's songs in 3 CDs, and sang.
I loved it.
Now I like listeng to English song too!
My favorite is RnB songs.
Beyonce and J.Lo are the best!
Oh! I forgot my very very favorite artists!
Black Eyed Peas!!
We have HAKUA-SAI in November.
I belong to Do DAC : a dance club.
So we must practice for it.
But every time , not all members could join it.
We want to do it with all members.
Hi :) I'm Natsuko.
Today, we start a Blog.
It will be interesting.
Have fun!!