Today, I have much to tell you!!
I went to Tawara-yama and Takamori-Yusui Tunnel.
Luckly, I could take some good picture.
Here they are. (please click on them and see larger one)
This is Tawara-Yama.
It was very fine :D
So it was a little too hot.
Many familys and couples enjoyed their holiday there.
You can see a structure on left side.
It is Moenosato; exchange pavilion.
I found many interesting thing in there.
This is one of them.They all are pumpkin!
And all of them had respectively different shape.
Some of them are like hechima(loofah).
I found one more interesting thing.
They have a name.
I really like it!
But I didn't think I bought it.
In there, we can get many good vegetables and other foods.
I bought stick potato.
It was very NICE!
You should go there at least once.
But the season is important.
Flower season is much best. (I coudn't see the cosmos)
continue to next..."Jewel of Nature"
Hey, I thought I just wanted to say hi! You have a nice blog. I was born in Kumamoto city and grew up in other cities. Anyway, keep blogging! :) See ya!
Thank you Kanae!!
I'm very pleased.
Your blog is very nice, too!
I want to link your blog.
I didn't grew up in Kumamoto,
but my grand-ma lives here.
So Kumamoto is like my hometown.
Let me see your blog frequently.
Sure Natsuko! Do you mind if I also make a link to your page? :) Please feel free to leave your comment to my blog! Anytime :)
Of course I don't!
I'll visit your site :D
Thank U :)
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